Scrapbook Manifesto Blog
Got back from ECCC and just wanted to thank everybody for the amazing time. Seattle is such a great city. I couldn’t be a success without you all. Til the next one. Thnx PS – This is the last page for Myopia02.
Streamed a little bit of work on this piece last night until Twitch melted my phone. Might have to invest in a cam. I’ll be finishing this up for Emerald City Comic-Con this weekend. Find me in Artist’s Alley, table MM8.
By WAY$HAK on 2018-02-19
Started this sketch of The Batman Who Laughs yesterday on my Twitch stream. Got distracted and ended up finishing it later that night. Emerald City Comic Con is coming up and I have a few slots open for commissions. Message me for details. A Wolverine head sketch for ECCC.
HALO: The Rise of Atriox #5
Original artwork to HALO: The Rise of Atriox #5. The finale to the series had me drawing the ultimate MMA battle between the Brute Chief Jorvus & Atriox. Too much fun. Great story by John Jackson Miller and another amazing cover by Aleksi Briclot. Thnx for all of the support. I’m glad people dug it. […]
DEVO Year 2
It’s been 2 years since DEVOLUTION #1 was released. It was definitely one hell of a ride working w/Rick Remender & Jordan Boyd. Thanx dudes, it was fun.
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