Scrapbook Manifesto Blog

Letter Bomb

Dropping a letter in the mail.

Pattern Recognition IX

PATTERN RECOGNITON IX 1 of 9 small “happy” pieces for the Fractured Minds show coming soon to 111 Minna Gallery.

No Idea

I have no fucking idea as to what I’m gonna do with this one.

Fractured Minds

Stack of 6×6 pieces for FRACTURED MINDS @111minnagallery – This is not the “Intimates II” series…that is for a show down the road that I’ll be doing with @rat136


Work In Progress bullshit for the FRACTURED MINDS show at 111 Minna Gallery. 1 Month to go.


Tonight I learned not to keep yr camera in yr back pocket while sitting and drawing for long periods. So much for process shots.

Nuevo Shit

Finishing up a new piece of shit for @111minnagallery …

Back to Business

Working on new stuff for my upcoming show @111minnagallery

Splintered Minds?

Some of the pieces I’m working on for the “Fractured Minds” show @111minnagallery.

Panel Prep

Prepping panels for my show w/N8 Van Dyke @111minnagallery Opens March 2013. #fracturedminds