Scrapbook Manifesto Blog


Dollar Days is coming!  What is dollar day you ask?  Why, it is a day in October where I will have 5 drawings priced at a dollar each!  Get on the mailing list to stay informed.


Thanks to all the peoples that picked up the new TONER V, bought original art, and just took the time to take a look. Also, a special thanks to Sean Andress, who wrote the text in the novel that Charlie is reading in TONER V. Sorry buddy, I owe you one.


It’s here! TONER V is here! You can find me, with TONER, the handsome Mr Correia (pictured above), and original art for sale in the Small Press area on the corner,TABLE M01. I’m listed as TOWN O’ CRAZIES.


TONER V is completed and will be ready for COMIC-CON next week. Preview pages will be up soon.


The Authority: The Lost Year has been released as a trade paper back! Go buy it. In case yr wondering…I’m still working on a series for DC…still under wraps. Hope to announce it in the coming months.


TonerIV has been sold out for the past few months. TonerV is on the drawing board, more than halfway done! Coming this July.


My truck has no tailgate where there was one the night before. Riddle me that motherfucker.


Gotta find some time to prep my lecture for Barron Storey’s Sequencial Art Class at CCAC…


WonderCON was a success! Thanks to all that came out, especially those that bought original art. Word.


Yup. Tomorrow WONDERCON begins. I’m down to my last copies of TONER IV. Small Press TABLE SP45. COME GET SOME!


WONDERCON is rearing it’s ugly head in the San Francisco Bay Area this weekend. You can find me at TABLE SP45 in the Small Press area. I’ll have the usual warez, including the first issue of my new series for DC Comics, coming later this year. This’ll be yr first chance to sneak a peek […]


The boys @ Gallery Nucleus have been good enough to include me in their upcoming show, ZOMBIES IN LOVE. It opens the night of February 6th. Check the website for info. It think they will have brain tacos, a band playing, and all kinds of other schtick. Join the bandwagon assholes!